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2021 Employer Bulletins
November 2021
Bulletin summary:
2021 year-end information
September 2021
Bulletin summary:
Warnings and errors in PLANet - what's changed?
Employer transaction fees effective January 1, 2021.
Transaction Type
Employer not using Employer PLANet to submit employee documentation (i.e.…
Contact your MEPP ERCsMEPP is dedicated to assisting employers. Our Employer Relations Coordinators (ERCs) are here to help you with your pension administration questions, including:navigating the…
When you own a registered account such as your pension plan, one of the things you will need to do is name a beneficiary. Completing the Designation of Beneficiary form allows you to state where your…
October 18, 2023Plannera Corporate Board EstablishedWe are excited to announce that the Plannera Corporate Board has been established and its new Directors appointed. This is a significant milestone…